Functions of Finance Department, Madhya Pradesh Government
Functions of Finance Department, Madhya Pradesh Government
Among the various functions of Finance Department, some of the important ones are as summarised below:
- Public Debt of the State.
- State Government Press.
- Stationery and Forms.
- Audit including audit by Government agency of income and expenditure of local bodies.
- Accounts Training.
- Preparation and interpretation of financial and account rules and codes, interpretation or other questions of financial nature.
- Conditions of Service, Pay, Allowances, Pay Revisions, Pay Fixation and Pension of Government servants.
- Dearness Allowance.
- Commutation of pensions and compassionate gratuities.
- The General Provident Fund and the Contributory Provident Fund.
- Advance for the purchase of conveyances, house building, travelling, marriage festival and other advances.
- Appropriation Accounts and Audit Report.
- Management of the Calamity Relief Fund.
- Contract and Non-Contract Grants.
- State Contingency Fund.
- Treasuries and Accounts Administration.
- General delegations by the Finance Department under Rules of Executive Business.
- Preparation of performance budget on the basis of the materials supplied by the departments.
- General revisions of clerical and menial establishments originating in cases which affect all departments alike.
- Bureau of Public Enterprises.
- Preparation of the annual financial statement including supplementary statement of the expenditure on the basis of material supplied by the departments, re-appropriation and surrender of savings.
- Incorporation, regulation and wanting up of trading Corporations, including Banking, Insurance and Financial Corporation but not including Co-operative Societies.